Page 14 - December 2015
P. 14

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KCI Public Safety Publications – We Celebrate Law Enforcement
Don’t forget the holiday jingle
As you reflect on entering the Academy your first day as a new recruit, no doubt your mind was flooded with questions. Will I be a good Police Officer? Where are they going to send me? What am I doing here? What will my pension be when I retire?
passed away. Names, faces and stories can easily be forgotten as the years keep rolling on, but those memories don’t have to fade away.
Retirement is always the end goal for those of us working in law enforcement, but often times we get so caught up in
the day-to-day routine that retirement
lessons about this job. As we all know, when it’s time, it’s time. What’s old is new, and what’s new is old. Remember, the
You’re reading the most effective way to
15 years or more
10 years but fewer than 15 5 years but fewer than 10 1 year but fewer than 5
6 BFDs 5 BFDs 4 BFDs 3 BFDs
As we move into this holiday season, I encourage you to take the time to give the old timers a jingle and see how they’re doing. We should never forget that our predecessors taught us valuable
goal for us all is to be them someday.
is not even on our radar. Before you know it, 10 years
pass, then 15 and then the bars are replaced by a star
on the left sleeve. It is at that moment that you start scratching your head, wondering where the last 20
years went. Along the way you have had a few laughs and
a few cries. (Tom Carr and I have had several “good” cries throughout the years.)
Sell or carry over
We have all built relationships and maintained friendships with those who have gone before us, as we will do the same with those who come after us. I have been extremely fortunate to have worked on both sides of the City and have developed life- long relationships with many people I now consider to be dear friends. Some of these members have retired and some have
Personal Days (P-Days) you will receive. Here’s the breakdown:
The end of the year is here and members will soon think about selling or carrying over personnel days and baby furlough days. The amount of time you have on the job determines how many Baby Furlough Days (BFDs) and
Years of service
Baby furlough days
Officers who have an anniversary date during the year, which entitles you to an additional BFD, will receive the additional day on your anniversary date. At the end of the year, you may sell back all of your BFDs or you may carry over four BFDs and sell two. Probationary Police Officers receive three BFDs the day they complete 12 months of probation.
There is a change regarding furlough days that was negotiated for the current contract. Effective Jan. 1, 2016, and thereafter, Officers with the following years of service shall receive the fol- loWwing number of furlough days:
Years of service
furlough days
1 but fewer than 4 years W
20 straight days 24 straight days 22 working days 25 working days
4 but fewer than 9 years 9 but fewer than 14 years 14 years or more
Holiday Day off
With the holiday season upon us, Section 23.7 of the contract makes reference to holiday assignment. The contract states, “When operational considerations require limitations on the number of Officers who may be given the holiday as a day off, the most senior Officer(s) will be given the option to take the hol- iday as a day off, provided the request is submitted (seven) 7 days before the holiday”.
Please call or email me at if there are any questions or concerns.
LI hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. From my
family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See
everyone in 2016.

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