Page 20 - December 2015
P. 20

Frank P. Ublasi, Age 90 Kristen J. Anklin, Age 45 James A. Fennessy, Age 80 Gary M. Charles, Age 50 Michael A. Stephens, Age 68 Frank J. Gatz, Age 68 William H. Smith, Age 75 Lawrence R. Lynch, Age 71 Joseph W. Schober, Age 66 Jimmie L. Wilson, Age 76 Karl Neumuller, Age 84 Steve L. McKeag, Age 63 Martin A. Gavin, Age 65 John J. McIntyre, Age 67 Robert M. Zalesny, Age 77
Not a lot of progress, but lots of change
Although there seems to be a little–and I do emphasize the word “little”–progress at the State Capitol, the one thing that remains constant is change.
this is the first time all five have met together since the end of May. December is the sixth month that Illinois is operating without a state budget.
More legislators have announced their retirements. The most recent is Republican Ray- mond Poe from the Springfield area. Gov. Rauner has just appointed Ray as the new Director of the Department of Agriculture.
Democratic Rep. Marty Moylan of Des Plaines has sponsored HB 4305, which appropriates money for several items like gaming revenue, funding for local governments and lottery win- nings, among others. He also included funds for the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board so police training across the state could be fund- ed. All of these funds are not part of the General Revenue Fund, so the money should continue to flow. But because of the budget impasse, they have been stalled. HB 4305 corrects that. While it has passed the House, it is being held on a parlia- mentary maneuver before it goes to the Senate. Rep. Moylan has done a great job shepherding this legislation.
Ray will be missed in the State Legislature. He was a strong voice in the Republican Party for organ- ized labor.
Also retiring is Democrat Eddie Lee Jackson from the East St. Louis area. In addition, Engle- wood’s Sonya Harper is the newest Illinois State Representative from the 6th District covering Chicago. She was appointed to replace Represen- tative Esther Golar following her death. The next Illinois General Assembly will have at least 18 new members.
As we approach the holidays, I would like to tell you that the end is in sight regarding the negotia- tions in Springfield, but I cannot. Some say that this will end in January when there is only a simple majority needed to pass legislation. I think that is hopeful but not necessarily real. But we should always keep hope alive. d
The governor and the four legislative leaders were scheduled to meet on Dec. 1 in Springfield. While there have been many separate meetings between the Governor and individual leaders,

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