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The truth behind the pandemic of police shootings
As a lawyer, I am constantly bombarded with emails and articles about what is topical in the practice of law. Like mechanics, doc-
tors and plumbers, we also receive all
kinds of notifications from law bulle- tins, bar associations, and a slew of oth- er professional publications. Quite riv- eting reading, and an absolute cure for a bad bout of insomnia.
Usually, they are put aside with a promise to read at a later date, but one recently came across my desk that made me stop and pause. It was an ar- ticle that referenced a recent ACLU Research Report which concluded that “fatal shootings by police are so routine that even during a national pandemic the police have continued
to fatally shoot people.” That didn’t sound good.
A continued reading of the article tells us that “our coun- try has to reckon with the scope and impact of centuries of systemic police violence and racism.” Now, that is really disconcerting. An in-depth reading of the article seems to reveal that there is an epidemic going on throughout the country, whereby law enforcement officers are systemically
fatally shooting our citizens. Even during a national pan- demic, these ruthless police officers could not even take the summer off. Anybody reading such an article may have to ask themselves to pause and reevaluate their perspective. If there is a massive genocide going on in which police officers are eradicating members of the public, then the recent response from the com- munity makes sense. It’s time to protest; it’s time to rise up and denounce. Ultimately, the civil unrest and massive property damage and destruction of our economy would not only make sense, but even be justified. But then I
read on and, as they say, the facts are in the details.
Like all conversations about law enforcement, I must is- sue a disclaimer. Of course, we do not sanction or support any unjustified killing or excessive use of force by any police officer. While it is almost ridiculous to have to scream that phrase, it must begin the discussion. The problem is that the ACLU and the social justice warriors on a larger scale have very little evidence of an increase in police-involved shootings. While we hear screeching about unarmed people of color being killed almost daily, and while we are being ordered to “say their name” and taunted with putting your
The Law Firm of Grace & Thompson Specializes in Representing Chicago Police Officers
James E. Thompson, Partner
Timothy M. Grace, Partner
We pride ourselves in maintaining a small-firm feel by treating each case with care and consideration.
Seasoned trial attorneys representing Chicago Police Officers in matters before the Chicago Police Board, Internal Affairs, COPA, Inspector General, and Civil and Criminal Courts.
The Law Firm of Grace & Thompson also provides professional legal services in other areas:
• Personal Injury
• Divorce
• Criminal and Civil Defense Litigation
Contact us today for a free consultation! 312-943-0600 •
311 W. Superior Street, Suite 215 • Chicago, IL 60654