Page 49 - Jan2022_FOP_Magazine
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5th District remembers
Officers Gary and Marmolejo
With their families looking on, Officers Conrad Gary and Edu- ardo Marmolejo were remembered during a memorial ceremo- ny at 5th District headquarters on the third anniversary of their tragic deaths. The pair were investigating a shots fired call in the early evening of Dec. 17, 2018, when, as they pursued a suspect along railroad tracks, a train struck and killed them. Gary had been with CPD only 18 months, while Marmolejo was with the Department for 2 1/2 years.
A decade later, Officer Clifton Lewis is remembered
  Officers and others gathered for an outdoor memorial roll call in the 15th District on Dec. 29, 2021, to pay tribute to Officer Clifton Lewis on the 10th anni- versary of his death. Lewis was fatally wounded at a grocery store on North Austin Boule- vard. The memorial service not only honored Lewis’ sacrifice but also recalled him for the per- son he was to so many people.

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