Page 6 - September 2019 FOP Newsletter
P. 6

 superintendent for a display of weapons seized during recent arrests on Aug. 6 and noting those as evidence of a problem with Cook County’s current bail system, that was a good state- ment. The mayor is starting to recognize that Chicago Police Officers are doing their jobs and that the courts and the prose- cutors need to do their jobs.
Speaking of leadership, I want to give a tip of the cap to our new National FOP leaders. At the conference, Pat Yoes from New Orleans was elected as the new national president. Pat replaces Chuck Canterbury, who is leaving after 16 years as president to become director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobac- co and Firearms. Chuck was a consummate union leader who provided great support to Chicago Lodge 7 over the years.
Pat will do the same. We supported him for president, and I have no doubt he will do everything he can to help us in Chi- cago. He is only a year removed from being an active police officer. He put the uniform on and went out every day, and he knows exactly what we are facing.
In closing, I want to touch on the other question that keeps coming up. What more can we do to promote mental health and wellness for our members?
We have expanded employee assistance, and we have more suicide awareness and prevention, but it seems like trying to get a day off is the holy grail of this department. Maybe they don’t realize how far a couple of days off can go in helping mental health. They have not made the necessary commit- ment to officers getting their days off, and that is something we intend to change in the next contract.
 If paying by check, mail to: Chicago Lodge #7, 1412 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL 60607

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