Page 43 - January 2020 FOP Magazine
P. 43

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MENTAL HEALTH COMMENTARY
                                                                                                               My name is Meeko, and I am a therapy dog. I go to work to help police officers and other first responders feel better.
As the police, you are trained to react to sit- uations and handle crisis; this demonstrates good policing. But what happens during down times? Does your body stay heightened as you wait for the next call? That often is the case, but it is not good for our minds or bodies.
Take time to paws. When I have down time, I let my body rest. I do this by taking deep breaths and allowing my muscles to relax. It only takes seconds. I take a moment to close
my eyes and imagine something peaceful; I call it my calm place.
For example, I imagine myself sitting under my favorite tree, feeling a breeze on a warm spring day. I’m lying on freshly cut grass; it’s soft beneath my belly. The leaves are green, and the sun is peeking through the tree top.
I can smell the flowers a few feet away, and I’m making a choice to not eat them — maybe tomorrow.
I can hear water softly tipping into the base of a fountain to the right of me; I may get up and take a drink from it.
There are deer grazing in the wooded area not far from me,
I’ll definitely chase them later. I am at peace.
Can you imagine your calm place? Notice what you see, hear
and smell? How does your calm place make you feel?
I understand that your day can be filled with lots of negativi-
ty. Can you use this moment to think happy thoughts?
For example, I think about my family and fur siblings and
how I can always count on them to play with and feed me.
I think about how grateful I am that I got adopted to a good
I am proud of my purpose as a therapy dog and know how
lucky I am to be working and helping you. Pawsitive thoughts like this remind me that I am grateful for my life.
Can you try this between calls? I hope you do. This is all I have for now.
Thank you for your service and for allowing me to be part of your mental well-being. Remember, take time to paws.
Meeko is a therapy dog and employee of the BRAVE Police and Public Safety Wellness Center who will be presenting tips for of- ficers to improve their mental health and wellness in Chicago Lodge 7 Magazine. Meeko was adopted at 7 weeks. He is a merle Pomeranian who is now 2 years old. Meeko enjoys working with first responders in individual and group therapy. He loves to sit on laps and give comfort to those struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Take time to paws
  Meeko is here to listen
Your best friend when you need to destress from the job
  Visit Meeko at the Brave Police & Public Safety Wellness Center
6323 N. Avondale Avenue, #111B, Chicago, IL 60631 847-778-9322 • •
Meeko is keeping office hours with Dr. Robin Kroll
Board Certified Police and Public Safety Psychologist specializing in...
• Stress Management Training
• Critical Incident Group & Exposure Program
• P.A.D. (Police-Addiction-Depression) Dual Diagnosis Group
• Day programs for addiction and trauma for first responders
• Individual & Family Therapy • Seminars & Workshops
  If you are feeling stressed, Meeko will throw you a bone
$20 per session (packages available) Register at or Eventbrite

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