Page 54 - January 2020 FOP Magazine
P. 54

An article about a Lodge 7 Magazine Sponsor
  Education Spotlight
Striving for Moore
How David Moore uses his Saint Xavier University education to help CPD
David Moore always goes above and beyond in the line of duty. But one particular incident required a few extra pages in a paper, a couple more decorations on a PowerPoint or a slightly longer presentation than others.
He tirelessly strives for such excellence, and that is exactly how Moore graduated from Saint Xavier University — equipped to resolve this very situation, which comes up so much on the
job. And working in a study group with someone who didn’t want to be at the top of his game every day just didn’t sit well.
“You could kind of tell they were just getting a grade,” Moore recalled of that project. “You do have some that you have to push a little bit harder than usual when you’re in a group setting.”
Moore and his group went to the professor to talk about han- dling a member who wasn’t striving for more. There, he learned a powerful lesson.
“This is a group effort,” the professor replied. “As future lead- ers and future supervisors, whatever other role you have may play a part in it. You will have these types of situations you’ll have to work through on your own at some point.”
Not only was it sage advice, it was prophetic. Soon after, Moore became a CPD supervisor. And now, he supervises that one group member.
“He tries a little bit more, now that I’m a supervisor,” Moore said, laughing. “He knows we’re in this group situation togeth- er.”
Because of his experiences at Saint Xavier University, Moore became part of a huge group of achievers, motivators and some of the FOP’s finest. He thinks a secondary degree is something everyone should chase.
“We all have goals,” he affirmed. “We always want to keep on striving for higher goals.”
Prior to his graduation from the academy in 2003, Moore earned an undergraduate degree in accounting and had a short stint at AT&T under his belt. He started in the Third District, working his way through 004, 006, back to 003 and then 005 be- fore returning to 003.
In 2013, Moore became an instructor at the academy and has been an FOP member for almost 17 years.
Even though policing is one of his passions — he grew up in Englewood, and giving back to his community was a blessing — he knew there was something more waiting.
“I thought, ‘OK, I need to do something else, just to give me a little more leverage,’” Moore reasoned. “A little bit more mar- ketable, just in case I decide to leave the department. Make sure I have that educational background to do what I need to do.”
That is when Saint Xavier University came knocking on Moore’s door.
When Moore started SXU’s master’s program in January 2016, it had been 12 years since he last set foot inside a classroom. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. But his anx- iety was met with an eagerness to try something different and take on a new challenge.
That first day, he was just one of the boys. He got into the
Chicago Police Sergeant David Moore (left) has applied his Saint Xavier Uni- versity degree toward becoming a better leader and helping fellow officers.
groove of the work eventually, but not without help from some life-changing instructors. One teacher, former CPD Lieutenant Bruce Lipman, made a profound impact on Moore.
“He tried to make it so that the coursework was challenging. At the same time, he also had the understanding to say, ‘Hey, I know you guys have full-time jobs,’” Moore gushed. “It was comforting to know yeah it’s hard, but I had someone pushing me at the same time.”
It was that fire to push harder that led to Moore being pro- moted in 2017, while still at Saint Xavier — just one more exam- ple of how SXU grads are moving up in the department.
When Moore graduated in spring 2019 with a degree in finan- cial fraud examination, he knew he had to share his incredible experiences with other FOP members, and hopefully convince them to do the same.
“They offer a very rigorous curriculum that will prepare those who embark on the journey at Saint Xavier,” Moore praised. “It will prepare them for any future endeavors, and prepare them for just life situations itself.”
Having matriculated from Saint Xavier, Moore has seen him- self grow into an even more stellar officer.
“It has made me just more understanding all the way around,” he reflected. “I noticed that a lot of officers are putting them- selves in my position, where they want to get more education.”
He is passionate about every Lodge 7 member following in his footsteps to advance their careers. With marketable skills and incomparable life experiences, Saint Xavier truly gave Moore the tools he needed to strive for more than he ever could have imagined.
“Everyone is willing to help each other and push each other,” Moore declared. “We all make it together as a family. And that’s what I felt like. I felt like I was going to school with a bunch of family.”

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