Page 32 - November 2020
P. 32
tary in the U.S. All the branches combined – active and reserve – make up less than 1 percent of the country.
An almost indescribable comfort exudes from these pages, like they are at peace in these surroundings. Veterans might de- scribe this as an esprit de corps, an enthusiasm, devotion and strong regard for the honor that draws them to the military.
“You serve at a time when there are so few to defend,” com- ments Rob Noceda, the chair of the Lodge 7 Military Commit- tee, who was an active duty Marine from 2003 to 2007 and did two combat tours in Iraq. “So many of us wake up every day and enjoy the freedoms we have. It seems basic, but it’s because of that.”
If you see pride amongst the veterans, especially those pic- tured in their dress uniforms, good. Pride might be the best at- tribute to honor on Veterans Day. Pride is what called them to serve.
Five years before she started what is now a 15-year career in the Department, Nora Gunning felt that calling. The attacks of 9/11 had just occurred, and she felt the urge to serve.
“I wanted to get off the sidelines and give back to this great country,” shares Gunning, who has worked in 012, 024 and 025. “I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I joined the Air Force, but then I wanted to experience the military to its full- est. So after three years in the Air Force, I went into the Army and stayed for another 10 years. If I had not been injured when making a traffic stop on the job, I would have stayed in the mil- itary until they kicked me out.”
Look these faces in the eye and see their uber-focus. Any Chi- cago Police Officer who has worked alongside a veteran or ac- tive military person has experienced the virtue of that drive on the job.
“You have somebody behind you who doesn’t coast through
Luis Rivera, an FTO in 025 who did 21 years in the U.S. Army Na- tional Guard and was deployed to Opera- tion Iraqi Freedom.
“I think the expo- sure from the mil- itary teaches us to think on your feet, minimize loss, be proactive and know
that you are a cog in the wheel. And when you’re put in a situation on the job, that comes out
The urge to serve
Flip through the pages of photos and notice what these women and
men have in com- mon. Certain- ly, they are part of an exclusive club. There are
approximately 17 million mili-
Carlos “Sal” Saladino