Page 35 - July 2017 Newsletter
P. 35

Roll out
Officers attending the early call at 09 on this morning seem invigorated by the Lodge visit. By lingering after- ward to talk more with Graham and Murray, they might have been saying, “Let’s roll.”
You can imagine the value that brings to members and to safe and effective policing. And in providing a parting thought, Tencza articulates how much the meeting of minds meant.
“It gives you a feeling that at least someone has your back,” Tencza emphasizes. “It’s a very hazardous job right now to go out there and do what we do when nobody has your back. So, it’s good to know that at least with the union, you can feel that someone’s got your back.”
There was no sugar-coating going on here, other than perhaps a second Life Saver. Graham even intimates that what’s happening in the City might lead to more members needing more legal representation and that the Lodge must find a way to meet that cost. But that might not hap- pen before 2018, which underscores the philosophy of the Lodge’s roll call initiative – to be pro-active, to get out in front of the issues by hearing what the members want. And need.
And toward that end, it is mission accomplished on this early morning in the 9th District.
“Definitely that, yeah,” Matich confirms. “It didn’t sound like he’s just giving us sound bites, you know, like a poli- tician normally would. You know, you’re actually getting straight answers, which is always good to get.” d

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