Page 27 - August 2017
P. 27
A message from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police
Disaster Response Unit
Brothers and Sisters:
The Illinois FOP has a 24-foot trailer in place for response to disasters that involve damage to property for members and families associated with the FOP and Law Enforcement in general.
We are preparing Strike
Teams. We are looking for 25
men and women associated
with the FOP as active, re-
tired, honorary associate or
Labor Council members to
join with us and be ready to
assist fellow FOP members in distress. We will conduct all the training needed.
We are in need of healthy available members so we can officially launch this new service to our members. Please consider using your extensive experience in helping the ones who are helping our communities.
To apply to be a volunteer, go to the website:
• Click on the information center.
• Scroll down to Member
• Click on Disaster Response
• Choose Volunteer Applica
tion for DRU.
• Fill out the application and
forward to the Illinois State Lodge (FAX 217-726-8881). If you have any questions,
please call 217-726-8880.
Terry Trueblood
Chairman, Disaster Response Committee
Rocky Nowa yk
Supervisor, Disaster Response Unit
Fraternally yours,