Page 18 - August 2016 Newsletter
P. 18

Chicago Police Sailing Association
Justice served for the fallen
“TIhreraelliysndobno’tdkynmoworewahwyairteisofththaetcarlilmofeuasndarveios-o cleonmceminittoeudr tcoityththeasnea,Cehxiceagpot PI othlicinekOiftf’iscebre. cEaaucshe idnayadandditnioignht,ooftfhicerfsaecxtptohsaetththeemselavecshtaonhgaerms, and
danger that others would flee from. Despite this, offi- the light changes and ships change, it’s because
cers continue to confront and battle the evils of our we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting
that these two good men met
Chicago Deputy Chief Leo Schmitz; both died of leukemia.
city. It is heartbreaking for me to say that sometimes it biological fact that all of us have in our veins the
evil. The fight between good
Although all pledges donated through participation are go-
can cost an officer his life. However, the battle does exact same percentage of salt in our blood that
and evil is neverending. Judge
ing to the Leukemia Foundation, we feel that supporting this
not end there. The perpetrators of such a heinous exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in
Joyce said it best when he
effort will help all police families that may suffer with leuke-
crime must be apprehended, charged, brought
our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied
announced his decision
mia. In this first race I am asking for your needed support for
to justice before trial and, if all goes well, sen-
to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea –
against Bryant Brewer
both families with leukemia and the efforts of the Chicago
tenced. Then, and only then, is the battle for
by acknowledging the
whether it is to sail or to watch it – we are going back from the fallen officer complete.
Police Sailing Association. Our goal is to reach a competi- hard work, dedication
whence we came.”
During the past few months both family members and
tive amount of donations under the club name in an effort and sacrifice that
- President John F. Kennedy to the America’s Cup crew,
to show we have fraternal support. Pledge donations can be Chicago Police Officers
Chicago Police Officers have done just this. In July of 2010, Offi-
made through the Leukemia Foundation website at http:// perform every day. Judge
Jwoywcwe .dleusckreibmeidactuhips.odregd/iicla/-. You also can navigate through the tLioenukweimthiaaCquupoRteegbayttwarIiltleirnois Chapter webpage by entering
cer Thor Soderberg was ambushed, attacked and murdered by
hoipsedscapneddaupeptorothvedim. TmheediCatheirceasgponPsoeloicfeSeSrageilaintgJaAssosnoKciaactyino-n
receiving gunfire as they engaged Brewer did not stop them. Brewer fellow officers to experience and share together what
andpthoetcAlulebxanadmerePoupned:e“Frotrhedonationssection. fools rush in where Angels fear
September 1962.
tihmaotnhyaavnedseuvfifdeernecdelporsesesnwt- ith leukemia.
“For fools rush in where
Darrell W. Shaw, along with Jacob M. Schmitz, son of retired
Flisk and Soderberg, I realize
Angels fear to tread.”
Although the club is not set to actively begin mem- ber participation until 2017, I am providing the fol- Membleorws oinf tgheLmodaigle adndrthesesbrfotrhecros manmd suisntiecras toifotnheaCnhdicaugpo- yDedpatretms eanst gthiveya hdeavretfleolpt t.hIafniknytoeuretsotJeud,geseTnimdoythoyuJroyfcuell
was struck and felled by Kacynski’s return fire. Brewer survived his                     to tread.” I believe to be one of the most exciting and fulfilling
wounds and was arrested and charged.
sports to participate in. At present, the club is in its
The outstanding work of detectives, forensic investigators, expert
developing stages. The target time period to begin R
and Cook County State’s Attorneys Brian Sexton and Pat McGuire
witness and officer testimony resulted in a good case for trial that
Field Representative
member club participation is winter/spring 2017.
began July 27 and lasted seven days. On Aug. 4, presiding Judge Tim- For now it is essential that the club first establish part-
othy Joyce returned with a guilty verdict in the murder of Officer nerships within the sailing community of Chicago in or- Soderberg. Finally, on Sept. 23, Judge Joyce sentenced Brewer to life der to ensure the growth and success of the club.
in prison.
name, address, phone number and sailing experi-
LastIlyt, wbeillpbrepraerefrdesthoinatgtetnodsthaeretrialpoofstihtievelaetensvt ioroffnenmdenr,t
MwaitrhcuosfFfilcoeyrds, moutrsdiedrermofyCdhaicilaygrooPuotlinceOwffoicrekrinThgofmoraosfWfiocretrhsaomn
IV in May 2010. Trial is set to begin possibly as early as Oct. 14. Sup- the Grievance Committee, Summary Opinion Hearings, Le-
port our police family in finishing the fight for Officer Wortham with gal Defense Committee, Safety Committee, Awards Commit-
your presence. Check the FOP website for updated information on tee and Personal Concerns/BIS Representation. As always,
throughout the sailing community, participation in regat- attacked and brutally murdered by Timothy Herring. Herring was
tas (sailboat racing) is essential. One of the core goals of the subsequently apprehended and charged. Trial concluded in May
date, courtroom and time. As always, continue to back each other keep up the good work and stay safe. d
club is to have a sailboat manned by Chicago police officers with a guilty verdict. In June, Judge Margaret Brosnahan, sentenced
up out there and stay safe.   Walk with me to ba
HpearrtincgiptoatLinifeg winiththneo pmaarojoler. races of Lake Michigan, e.g. the Chicago Race to Mackinac, Tri-State and many other sailing competitions.
for a job well done.
ence to
In order for the club to establish and maintain recognition In November 2010 Officer Michael Flisk was also ambushed,
ttle blood cancer
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk
Oct. 24 • 4:30 p.m. • Grant Park
Motorola Solutions Foundation is sponsoring a First Responder team to participate in the walk. Family members and friends of Lodge 7 members are also welcome to participate.
For information, contact or 312-568-7717 or or 618-530-6770.
rotecting those who help protect us and reached out to Patrick essee, a Chicago paramedic who is a survivor of non-Hodgkin's ymphoma blood cancer. He contacted the Lodge so that we might ave a fantastic turnout of both police officer and firefighters to alk and support our own. In my 29 years on the job, I've met many housands of police officers and I look forward to walking with you
n Oct. 24.  
Sailing experience is not a requirement for participation.
If planning is successful, members will have an opportu-
nity to learn and become exposed to sailing. Participation
is open to both active and retired members. An added goal
that I would like to see accomplished is to develop a program
within the club that would provide sailing opportunities for To First Responders past and present, I'm request-
our catastroipnhg itchaltlyoinujjuorinedmoeffiinceforrsm. Dinisgabtleadmooffficwearlskecrasnfobre
equipped tothseaf2e0l1y5bLoeaurkdemaniadaenndjoLymthpehsoamaeSofeceielitny “gLoigfhwt itnhed,
water and frNeeigdhot”mWeaxlkpienrsieunpcpeodrtonf balosoadilbcaonacte. rI paamtieanlstso. hop-
ing to create participation through an associate membership This 5K walk is scheduled for Oct. 24 at 4:30 p.m. in
status to covGeraonptpPoarktu. Wniet'ilelshfaovretthecshupilpdorertnooffthCehMicaogtoroploa- lice officers.SMolousttioinmspForutnadnattlyio, na,swahlwicahyis,dwoenmatiunsgt$n1e0v,0e0r0fotor-
KEITH the cause, and is providing a tent with refreshments. get our fallen officers. The sailing club will donate proceeds
CARTER No donation is required to walk, but if you choose to of fund raising to the Gold Star Families Foundation as well
donate you can either visit the Leukemia and Lym- as any effort that supports surviving family members of our
phoma Society website fallen officers.
p J L, The first sail race that the club will participate in is the
or donate in person to me at the FOP Lodge before or on the day of 2016 Chicago Leukemia Cup Regatta hosted by Columbia
the event.
Yacht Club. The race is set to start at noon on Aug. 27 here h
As we all know, anyone at any time can get cancer, and First
in Chicago. My boat, the Maggie Marie will be manned by w
Responders have a 50 percent greater chance than the general pub-
club board members President: Boat Captain Officer Marlon t
lic to get blood cancer. Motorola Solutions Foundation believes in Harvey, Vice-President: Boat Captain Sergeant Andres Zayas,
o Treasurer: Boat Captain retired Sergeant James Caldwell and Secretary: Officer Shelia Caldwell. Also aboard is Associate Member U.S. Army Combat Veteran Bryan Harvey. Racing in
the Leukemia Cup Regatta under the club name and flying

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