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Legislators busy with policing policy and reelection petitions
The Illinois legislature is busy on two fronts as 2022 begins. The legislative session has begun, although to date, most of it has
been remote. They have been meeting
in their committees via Zoom for the most part, but they do hope to have more in-person sessions beginning in February.
On the legislative front, there has been a lot of talk about more pro-public
safety and pro-police legislation. We are working with our allies throughout the state as well as many legislators on both sides of the aisle to try to improve the climate for po- licing policy. There have been public comments from both Democratic and Republican legislators that they recognize the need to pass new legislation. Certainly, there is a need to improve recruitment and retention, in addition to other important issues.
The other task that has kept legislators busy is the pro- cess of getting petitions signed. Because of redistricting, the entire Illinois House and Senate, as well as all members of
Congress, are up for reelection this year in newly drawn dis- tricts. If they do not get enough signatures on their peti- tions, they cannot run for reelection — making these petitions very important. They are due in March, with the primary on June 28 this year instead of the
usual mid-March.
Several more legislators have announced they
will not see reelection, including a few who are run- ning for other offices. GOP Representative Dan Brady is running for secretary of state, Tom Demmer for trea- surer and Avery Bourne for lieutenant governor. Chicago Democratic State Representative Delia Ramirez is running for Congress, and Senator Darren Bailey is running for gov- ernor. Several state representatives are running for the state senate, including Mike Halpin, Seth Lewis and Sam Yingling. Representatives Tom Morrison, Mark Batinick, Keith Som- mer and Greg Harris have announced their retirements. Representative Deb Conroy is running for Du Page County Board Chair. Senators Mekinda Bush and Tom Cullerton are
not seeking reelection.
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