Page 13 - December 2017
P. 13

Financial Secretary’s Report
Knowing your right to review
 Greetings, everyone. A Grievance Committee meeting was held on Nov. 15. The committee decided to withdraw 15 grievances, go forward with 5 and defer none. Again, the withdrawing of grievances usually means they were resolved previously, or that the committee would like to ask the Officer additional questions regarding the grievance. An Officer can give us insight on a grievance that, on the surface, seems to be a
certain loser. One Officer took the time to go through the in- tricacies of why the grievance was filed and the reason why it should go forward, after the City denied it.
I have held two Unit Rep meetings this year and updated the reps on grievance procedures and contract negotiations along with the current affairs of the Lodge-City legalities, (i.e. consent decree, unfair labor practice lawsuits). I hope to keep this flow of information going for the upcoming year.
Let me relay to you a story: An Officer called me at the Lodge and said that the Sergeant gave him a piece of paper asking questions on a CL number he had received. The com- plainant on the original complaint refused to sign a sworn
affidavit; at that point the complaint would normally be con- sidered dropped. The Sergeant asked the Officer additional information after reviewing the video, himself. Now, the Ser- geant can ask additional info but the Officer has the right to review the video himself before answering any further ques- tions on the incident. In Special Order S03-14 it states:
“Department members may review their BWC recording of an incident prior to writing any report related to the inci- dent. This includes but is not limited to case reports, arrest reports and investigatory stop reports.” Of course, always contact your Unit Rep or call the Lodge if you encounter this situation in the field. If you have any doubts or something just does not “feel” right, call the Lodge. Your instincts are usually found correct.
I will close out my report by thanking all the Officers who helped me this year with all the union’s dealings, including all the Officers on the Picnic Committee, Awards Committee and Grievance Committee who took time out of their busy day to assist their fellow Officer. Finally, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season. d

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