Page 30 - FOP May 2019 Magazine
P. 30
Chicago Lodge 7 Memorial Service
Console Mates
Officers come together on noteworthy day at the FOP to honor fallen brothers and comfort their family members
Officer Kenyatta Gaines crooned the “The Star-Spangled Ban- ner” with the reverence to send out twilight’s gleaming. Rich Ro- bles belted out “Taps” on his trumpet with the honor to confirm all is well, safely rest. The Bagpipes & Drums of the Emerald So- ciety Chicago Police Department performed “Amazing Grace” with, well, the amazing grace to lead them home.
And when Rabbi Moshe Wolf offered up some of his re- nowned, spontaneous and, on this day, comforting quips at the Chicago Lodge 7 Memorial Service on May 7, he accentuated the dose of remembrance, tribute, healing and love that ooz- es from this observance each year. Shortly after the ceremony concluded with Crystal Jimenez unveiling the names of her hus- band Samuel and fellow Chicago Police Officers Eduardo Mar- molejo and Conrad Gary, who were added to the granite cathe- dral in the FOP courtyard, family members of the fallen officers, Lodge 7 members, Department leaders, guest dignitaries and friends seemed to share a group hug.
Crystal and Maria Marmolejo, Eduardo’s spouse, tried to find the words to describe the feeling emanating from this day. They started with “appreciation” and “support.” Superintendent Eddie Johnson and Father Dan Brandt sent up “courage” and “strength.” But the expression and emotion that truly captured the power of this memorial seemed to be “love.”
“That’s a very accurate sentiment, that there is a lot of love in the room,” recognized Lodge 7 President Kevin Graham. “We’re here because we want to respect the families of the fallen offi-
From left, Crystal Jimenez, wife of Officer Samuel Jimenez, and Maria Mar- molejo, wife of Officer Eduardo Marmolejo, at the Lodge 7 Memorial Ser- vice.
cers and the other people that are being represented here, too. People are here because they care about each other.”
With the losses of 2018 that also included Commander Paul Bauer in February, Chicago Police Officers seemed to need a day like this to feel the healing power of the Lodge 7 memorial. It was a day that honored all those carved into that granite, from Patrolman Casper Lauer, the first name on the top line who was lost in 1854, to Jimenez, who was lost in November, and Gary and Marmolejo, who were lost in December.