Page 31 - November 2019 FOP
P. 31

Coming out clean in the end
On a recent overnight tour of the dis- tricts, we came across crime-fighting duo Jeff Kriv and Becky Strocchio at Roosevelt and Ashland (in the 12th Dis- trict). Keep up the great work, Jeff and Becky...with you two out there, criminals don’t stand a chance.
Thanks to all who attended the Blue Masses last month at St. Juliana and St. Thecla, both on the Northwest Side. If your parish or pastor would like to host a Blue Mass, please let me know.
Queen of Martyrs Parish at 103rd and Central Park is host- ing a Blue Mass on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 9:30 a.m. Please join us as we again pray for and with our first responders, active and retired.
On Nov. 19, we mark the one-year anniversary of Chicago Police Offi- cer Samuel Jimenez’s death at Mercy Hospital. He will be remembered in a special way at the police Mass the following Sunday (Nov. 24) at 11 a.m. To accommodate anticipated crowds, we will celebrate this Mass at the FOP Hall.
Sam’s memorial card — and many
I know he has been stroked and caressed and held by the hands of G-d from the beautiful memories he left behind.
End of story.
So while we still can, let’s take a few moments to look around and remember to thank all those that have been the “hands” of our lives. Be it a sibling, spouse, friend, partner, coworker ⁠— we know who they are.
They may have a few wrinkles, put on a few pounds, be a bit scratched up and show signs of wear and tear, but they were always there for us when we needed them. And for that they deserve to always be loved and cherished, even with all the
others — can be downloaded from our website (www.chi-
Laterthatweek,wewillcelebrateaspecialThanksgiv- ing Day Mass at 10 a.m. at Mercy Home, 1140 W. Jackson Blvd. (note the change in Mass time for the holiday).
Also, next month, in addition to our usual second/ fourth Sunday Masses at 11 a.m. at Mercy Home, we will celebrate a Christmas morning Mass at 10 a.m. All are wel-
In December, the Police Chaplains Ministry hosts our Gold
Star Families for a holiday dinner on the club level at Soldier Field. This is a wonderful evening indeed, and a chance for families who have lost a loved one in the line of duty to spend time together. Sadly, as you know, we added four members to this club last year.
Letters were sent out last month to supporters on our mail- ing list, soliciting financial support for the evening. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund this event, feel free to mail your check to Police Chaplains Ministry, 1140 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 60607. You can also donate online through our website ( Thank you for helping us remind Gold Star Families that they and their loved ones are never forgotten.
Finally, I leave you with an interesting take on policing, given to me in a text message from a longtime department member:
“So many chapters in the life we live as po- licemen...and no two are the same. The highs, the lows, and the in-betweens are like being in a washing machine: you never know which
way you’ll be pushed or pulled. You just hope and pray that in the end, you come out clean!”
God bless you and keep you clean and safe as you do His work.
Call or text Father Dan Brandt, directing CPD chaplain, at 773- 550-2369 or
wrinkles and scratches.
Reach out to them and let them know how much they mean
to you. It will bring a smile to their hearts and yours.
On behalf of all your chaplains, may G-d bless you, keep
you safe and always keep you in his loving care.
Thanks to each of you for going out every day and making a difference in people’s lives. You do make a difference and for
that we are grateful.
Should you need a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen or
have some good humor to share, don’t hesitate to give us a
Contact Rabbi Moshe Wolf at 773-463-4780 or moshewolf@
       CHICAGO LODGE 7 ■ NOVEMBER 2019 31

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