Page 53 - November 2019 FOP
P. 53

12th District honors Domenstic Violence Awarness Month with Women’s Wellness Day
As a liaison for the 12th District Do- mestic Violence Subcommittee, Officer Nikoletta Papadopoulos is used to reach- ing out to women to provide valuable in- formation, resources and training.
But when the month of October ap- proached this year, Papadopoulos was the one receiving the phone calls from women in the community, who looked forward to celebrating Domestic Vio- lence Awareness Month at the third an- nual 12th District Women’s Wellness Day.
“The domestic subcommittee is infor- mational,” Papadopoulos, who has been a liaison for three years, explained. “We reach out to our victims and see what they need and how we can educate them. This time of year, we think about what we can do to make them feel as amazing as they should feel.”
On Oct. 17, women from local do- mestic violence agencies were invited to participate in a day of wellness, educa- tion and head-to-toe pampering. Pap- adopoulos and local domestic violence advocacy organizations worked together to provide victims with a day of putting
themselves first.
“It’s about catering to them,” Papado-
poulos stated. “We wanted them walking out of there feeling and looking good.”
The Women’s Wellness Day was a one- stop shop for all the self-care activities a woman could possibly imagine. Vic- tims were able to put their worries aside while getting their hair cut, nails done and even picking out purses, jewelry and other accessories that were donated by the community.
Free vouchers for teeth cleanings and mammograms were also distributed, so that women could continue their well- ness once the event was over.
“People know that I really give my all to this event, and they believe in it,” Pa- padopoulos insisted. “They want to get involved with these donations.”
Victims of domestic violence have grown to look forward to the yearly Wom- en’s Wellness Day, where they can spend a day getting the special treatment they deserve.
At the end of the event, the ladies shared their gratitude with the subcom-
mittee for providing them with such a special day, one that allowed them to walk away feeling great.
“We provide resources, we give infor- mation, we hug them, we reach out to them, we educate them on a regular ba- sis,” Papadopoulos said, listing the many ways the subcommittee reaches women. “But they know what comes this time of the year, and they look forward to this.”

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