Page 62 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 62
Painter’s Checklist
9" x 12" Raymart Art canvas panel or stretched canvas
Brown Earth Brilliant Green Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Dioxazine Purple Nimbus Grey Olive Green Prussian Blue Hue Purple Madder Raw Sienna
Raw Umber Turners Yellow Vermillion
Warm White
#4 & #8 flats #8 filbert
#3 round
#1 liner
#8 & #10 Scharff Bringle blenders 1" wash brush
Basic painting supplies (page 96) Acrylic palette
Tabletop easel (optional)
Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium Jo Sonja’s Magic Mix
Jo Sonja’s Satin Varnish
Apply a semi-transparent wash of Brown Earth plus Magic Mix horizontally over entire canvas to tone. Dry thoroughly, then transfer design using gray graphite. Brush-sketch the main design lines on with thinned Raw Umber using a #3 round brush. Keep these lines loose and washy, not hard and rigid. Use a flat brush and a darker application of paint for the barn windows and door opening. Dry.
Sky: Mix sky color with Nimbus Grey plus Warm White. Tone with a touch of Prussian Blue Hue and Vermillion for a mid- value blue gray. Wash in sky area with this mix, allowing some very faint areas of background to show. Pull the sky color down into the top of the trees. Use a filbert brush or Bringle blender to apply sky color using the side of brush or flat area of filbert in a scrubbing motion. This allows for some build-up of color to help set the background for clouds. To add clouds, use a dirty brush and pick up Warm White, blending on palette and scrubbing the lighter color to already light areas in the sky. The clouds are very light and wispy. Leave some heavier paint at tops of clouds, blending out into the sky area at the bottom of cloud.
Trees: Make sure sky overlaps down into the top of the tree line and then re-establish top of trees with pencil or light brush sketch of Olive Green. Keep this very sketchy, no hard, continuous lines that will be difficult to cover.
Begin in the darkest areas near the bottom of the tree line and behind the top of the barn roof in the darkest areas with brush-mixes of Olive Green, Burnt Umber and Raw Umber with a dry brush. Use the Bringle blender to pounce in color. Lighten up the foliage as you move up toward the sky. Use more pure Olive Green and add Raw Sienna or other lighter colors. Stipple in clumps of foliage to indicate groups of
TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2018