Page 67 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 67

The highlights are already on the foot with White, now fill in the toes with Espresso, making it darker at the bottom of the toes and foot where it meets the tree. Lightly blend over the highlight areas with Espresso. Go over the dark areas with Cool Grey 90% and again make it darker at the bottom of the toes. Lightly blend this color over the highlights. With Black, darken the nails and anywhere else that might need it. Keep in mind that bird feet aren’t pretty, so you don’t want to draw attention to the foot.
Put some dark knots in the wood and crevices on the tree beginning with Dark Umber. Try to vary the shape of the knots. Add some shape-following lines around the knots with Dark Umber. Continue adding tree bark lines here and there with Dark Umber, Light Umber, Cool Grey 90% and Espresso. Further darken the dark knots with Espresso, Cool Grey 90% and finally Black if needed. (Figure 5)
Once you have established some darks and the tree bark lines, go around some dark areas and add light values with Cool Grey 10% and/or Cool Grey 20%. Randomly add some light areas around the tree with either color. (Figure 6)
Fill in the rest of the tree with Light Umber on the left side and Warm Grey 30% on the right side. Blend these two colors together but try to keep it random and not perfectly in the middle. (Figure 7)
The shadow under the bird is indicated with a dotted line on the line drawing. Fill this in with Light Umber and add Dark Umber and Espresso. Blend out the shadow with light pressure as it radiates into the tree using Light Umber or any of the other shadow colors. Add Cool Grey 90% to the darkest part of the shadow nearest the bird and, if needed, add some Black. (Figure 7)
Evaluate your tree and add darks and lights if needed. I used Espresso and Dark Umber to pop around the tree and darken the top and bottom right corners. You can add more bark lines with any of the tree colors if you like. Leave the tree somewhat subtle so as not to take away attention from the bird.

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