Page 26 - MCON 140 Syllabus Test
P. 26
Form Page
Well organized form, collecting useful data.
Site runs smoothly in all areas
Well done but a few slight errors
Not well organized or useful
No form page
Nav bar working and logical
Color Scheme
Appropriate colors, well deployed, good contrast
Relevant color scheme
Turn the rubric score into a percent by dividing the points earned by the points possible, and then use the scale provided.
Example: Student earns 54 out of 64 points. 54 ÷ 64 = 84%, 84% = B (Percent is rounded to nearest one)
88 – 100 = A 75–87 =B 62–74 =C 50–61 =D
0–50 =F
Works as expected
Random color scheme
Broken links, navigation and assets
Distracting, noisy and unappealing
Social Plug In
Multiple Social options – functions
One or two well designed options
One option
No options