Page 2 - Peer 2 Peer Learning Start-up kit
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  Welcome to peer-to-peer learning.
Over the past 20 years we’ve had the privilege of working alongside many farmers and facilitators who have been involved in peer-to-peer learning. Usually this has been in the form of a small group, with a facilitator helping provide structure and process focused on a shared goal. This goal could have been to trial new equipment or a crop or maybe challenge each other to be better employers. We’ve seen that farmers are the best teachers and the most trusted colleagues. So
it makes sense to provide a means for them to learn from each other when there are challenges to face or improvements to be made. Confidence to make changes on-farm when being part of a group like this builds quickly. This is peer-to-peer learning in action.
We wanted to share some of our experience with peer-to-peer learning, showing what helps and what works. This guide sets out to provide some information for forming a peer-to-peer group. We hope you find this guide helpful when starting your own group and ensures you have an opportunity to make a difference in the work you do.
Denise Bewsell and Jeanette Long
What is a peer-to-peer group?
Why form a peer-to-peer group?
What makes a good facilitator?
Step 1 06 Step 2 08 Step 3 10 Step 4 12 Step 5 12
03 Useful blog posts 14
04 Helpful links 15
04 Appendix 1
Connecting overview 16
Appendix 2
Checklist for facilitators 17
Appendix 3
Peer-to-peer workshops 18
Appendix 4
Discussion group v action group 19
               Written by Jeanette Long and Denise Bewsell
for the Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project funded by the Queensland Government Reef Water Quality program.
For more information on peer-to-peer learning in your area, contact Dr Niall Connolly, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 0436 606 055 or email
© The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2021
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