Page 4 - ENGLISH
P. 4
OOur Fiftieth Annivesary Prayer Almighty and ever-living God Spirit so that as the the rivers flow flow may your
from the dawn of creation you you formed a a a a a people to be your
own In every age the the gentle call of your
voice gathered diverse believers into one people Loving God you assembled us 50 years ago to be be Church between the the two rivers Your Son prayed at at the the the Last Supper for his disciples that they may all be one May the the the Eucharist strengthen our
communion and build us up as we embrace your
mission During this year of of jubilee we again pledge ourselves to be signs of of your
Son’s presence in in in in the the world Once again renew within us the the outpouring of your
love continue to flow flow in in in our
hearts As bridges link the land let us be be bridge bridge builders to all people Remember your
sons and daughters between the two rivers as we we strive to to give witness
to to the the the Way the the the Truth and the the the Life Rekindle our
discipleship in in Christ
as we we recommit ourselves to the voice we we heard 50 years ago Make us one in in mind and and heart as we go go forward together on on on mission and and lead us your
people in West Tennessee the Diocese of Memphis into eternal life Through Christ
Lord AA
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