Page 1 - Section 2 Programs
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                                9.2 to consider and approve the management of postgraduate curriculums

                  according to this regulation.
                                9.3 to perform other duties assigned by the postgraduate committee, the

                  academic council or the president.

                                                           Section 2
                                                            Part 1
                                                      Offered Programs

                         10. The postgraduate studies offer the following programs:
                                10.1 The graduate diploma and the higher graduate diploma are in accordance

                  with  the  national  higher  education  development  plan,  the  philosophy  of  higher  education,  the
                  university  philosophy,  and  academic  and professional  standards. These  programs  are  to develop
                  scholars and professionals to specialize in specific disciplines and to have better performance in their
                  own expertise. These programs are self-contained.
                                10.2 The master's programs and the doctoral programs are in accordance with the

                  national  higher  education  development  plan,  the  philosophy  of  higher  education,  the  university
                  philosophy, and international academic and professional standards. These programs are to develop
                  scholars and professionals to have high speciality in various disciplines. By using research-based
                  study, these programs encourage postgraduate students to explore and find new knowledge freely, in
                  addition to their abilities in creating and sustainable academic progress. Additionally, they will be able

                  to connect and integrate their expertise with other disciplines. Moreover, the postgraduate students
                  must have academic  and  professional  ethics. The master’s programs emphasize the process of
                  creating and applying new knowledge. Meanwhile, the doctoral programs focus on research to

                  create knew knowledge or innovation which are beneficial to professional, social, and national

                                                            Part 2
                                                     Program Structures

                         11. Program structures are as follows:
                                11.1 The graduate diploma and the higher graduate diploma must consist of at
                  least 24 credits.

                                11.2 The master’s programs must consist of at least 36 credits throughout the
                  program. There are 2 plans of the master’s programs:
                                        (1) “Plan A” focuses on research and a thesis. This plan is divided into 2

                                               (1.1) “Plan A.1” focuses only on research, which is equivalent to
                  36 credits. The postgraduate students in this plan may be assigned to study courses or do other
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