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in Memory of Dr. Maria Polanska ob”m
Our deep thanks for the remarkable generosity in donating 50 computers that were donated to our foster children from the estate of Dr. Maria Polanska ob”m
Annual Activities Report
  Dr. Maria Polanska (1916-2011) was born in Poland and was known to see the humanity in every person she met. During the Holocaust, she was hidden in the attic of a Polish judge, but all her family members were killed by the Nazis. She learned medicine in Poland and then spent many years living in England. After moving to Israel, she worked as a family physician and was renowned for her caring for her patients and commitment to accuracy in diagnoses and treatment.
On many occasions, she was found bringing a warm pot of soup to her patients. In her will, she established that 10 percent of her estate should be dedicated to children who researched and wrote on topics related to the Holocaust, and the remainder to children who lost their parents to acts of terror or children who had been abandoned because their parents weren’t able to raise them.
For first time this year, we participated in the “Nitanat Lulav” initiative which raises money by having a percentage of the sales from lulav sets go to selected charities.
Through the program, we were able to raise over 15,000 shekel which was allocated to help purchase computers for our foster children.
Thanks so much to all who supported the initiative and our volunteers who helped make it possible!

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