Page 24 - חוברת תזות הנדסה ירוקה 2024
P. 24

As part of the image analysis, a newly developed algorithm was employed to detect chromosomes and centromeres and to count them. From the initial testing of 10 images, the algorithm’s sensitivity for identifying chromosomes and centromeres was 83% and 98%, respectively. The specificity of the algorithm in identifying chromosomes and centromeres in negative predictions was 81% and 78%, respectively. It was concluded that, since the automatic tool is still in its early stages of development, it was not yet entirely reliable; therefore, these 10 images were also examined manually for chromosome quantification and to construct a calibration curve. Linear and quadratic calibration curves were obtained. It was found that 723 chromosomes induced a calibration curve with a good linear and quadratic fit )R2=0.95, R2=0.96(. It enables rapid dicentric testing during radiological emergencies with fewer cells. The method is accurate, repeatable, and inexpensive, making it highly promising when combined with an algorithm that is still in development. The method follows green engineering principles and uses minimal chemicals and affordable equipment and materials to respond to radiation events.
Keywords: Biodosimetry, Calibration curve, Chromosome soup, Dicentric chromosome assay, Ionizing radiation.
Book Of Abstracts | Class 2023

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