Page 32 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 32
Improving solar panel efficiency
By: Ameen Ameen Atamla Ameen Ameen at94@gmail com com Mohamed Zoabi m7mdabdz68@gmail com com Advisor: Dr Yoav Biton
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Solar energy energy energy is is renewable energy energy energy which means it is is energy energy energy that that originates from a a a a a a a a a a a a cyclical natural phenomenon unlike fossil fuels (that will will eventually run run out) solar solar energy will will not run run out out in the the foreseeable future The amount of solar solar energy that reaches the the the the Earth is is enormous if we we could could absorb only 0 0 01% of of of it we we could could satisfy all the the the the needs of of of the the the the human race The main goal of of of of of this project is is is to to improve the the the the efficiency
of of of the the the the generation of of of electricity from photovoltaic solar panels by lowering their operating temperature with the the the help of of a a a a a a a a a a natural convection mechanism The key criterion for success is is improving the efficiency
of of of a a a a a a a a PV panel by 5% Keywords: efficient generation of of electricity photovoltaic panels renewable solar energy Assistive device for paralyzed patients during recumbent rehabilitation
By: Zvi Blankenfeld zviblanken@gmail com com Amit Kurtz amitku@gmail com Advisors: Dr Dr Merav Arugati Dr Dr Alon Weiss Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
The problem of bedsores (caused by prolonged pressure) is common in in in in hospital departments with bedridden patients patients Rolling the the the patients patients in in in in their their beds every few hours minimizes their occurrence This project continues to to to develop an an an auxiliary device that helps to to to roll patients by means of an an an electric motor thus easing the the the caregivers’ task To that end the the the safety requirements for the the the the motorized prototype were examined and analyzed under operating conditions The conclusions of the the tests combined with general safety regulations were processed using engineering calculations in in in in in in order to to plan improvements in in in in in the prototype Keywords: bedsores medical instruments paralysis pressure injuries