Page 81 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 81

Power system design for a a a pumping station “Simcha”
By: Dror Nagauker Omer Vatary Advisor: Dr Alberto Berenshtein Shamoon Colege of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This project involves planning the the the the the “Simcha Station” (a water water pumping facility) to to to answer the the the the the need for for transporting water water water water to to to to to the the the the the southern region region It is is is intended to to to to to be be centered in in in in in in in the the the the the Negev region region and and and and basically to to to to to be be responsible for for distributing wastewater and and and and reclaimed water water water to to to to to fields and and and and orchards moshavim industrial plants parks and and and and tourist sites located in in in the the the area In cooperation with the the the the the entrepreneur we planned the the the the the electrical systems for “Simcha Station” while understanding the the the the the station’s needs (the amount of water transferred) which will include a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a backup system system for the the the engines and and to maintain a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a constant power supply Keywords: electrical systems planning water transportation
Power system design of a new settlement in Omer EEE-2-10
By: Ben Gabay gabay1234700@gmail com com Raz Hason razhason256@gmail com com Advisor: Dr Alberto Berenshtein Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
The planning of the the electrical system and its connection to the the houses was carried out 22kV underground power line is transformed to to 400V through the TS for for supplying electricity to to a a a a a a a a neighborhood that covers 30 dunams and includes 50 houses The The types of transformers for for for the transformation station and and electrical panels were chosen The The design included high and and and low-voltage cables protection protection systems lighting short-circuit and and and overvoltage protection protection system system with an an an an automatic switch and and and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a design for the grounding connections busbars and and and and SII resets that met ISO and and and and BTI standards The planning was carried out insuring the the reliability of the the electricity supply Keywords: distribution boards high and low voltage transformation station reliability omerv12345@gmail com com Book of Abstracts | 2023
dror nagauker7@gmail com com 

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