Page 82 - DLYC Yearbook 2020
P. 82
15.1 The time limit for all fleets is 2 hours from the starting signal for that fleet until the lead boat finishes.
15.2 If the first boat in each fleet does not pass the first mark within 30 minutes after her starting signal, the race committee may consider abandoning the race for that fleet.
15.3 When boats of a fleet are still racing 20 minutes after the first boat in her fleet finishes, each remaining boat will be scored TLE “Time Limit Expired.” This modifies RRS 35, A4.1 and A11. A boat scored TLE will be given points for two places more than the final boat in her fleet to finish within 20 minutes of the leader. Points given for TLE will not exceed one place more than the number of boats in that fleet that came to the starting area during the series.
15.4 A boat that retires and/or leaves the race course shall notify the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.
16.1 Forms are available on the official notice board for protests and requests for redress. Forms are also available online through US Sailing. The completed form shall be placed on the official notice board within one hour after the race committee vessel docks on the day in question. A list of protests and requests for redress received will be posted on the official notice board by the DLYC Chief Judge. The DLYC Chief Judge will post the dates, times and locations of all hearings on the official notice board.
16.2 The same time limit stated in 16.1 applies to all protests by the race committee, protest committee or technical committee. This changes RRS 61.3 and 62.2.
16.3 For special races such as Uncle Elmer’s etc., protests must be submitted within the time limit stated in 16.1 to the race officer of the day who will appoint a jury to hear the protests immediately after the race. The DLYC Chief Judge will advise the jury if asked to do so.
17.1 The Low Point Scoring System of RRS Appendix A will be used for all DLYC championship races. Appendix A9 will also apply. (note: A9 modifies A4.2) In addition, for DLYC championship races A9 is modified to read that a boat that does not come to the starting area will be scored points for a finishing place one more than the number of boats in that fleet that came to the starting area during the series. Appendix A6 also applies with regards to scoring. SI 15.3 previously describes the scoring procedure for TLE. The awarding of perpetual trophies, if applicable, will be based on the adjusted race scores.
17.2 A race cannot be held for a fleet unless at least two boats of that fleet are in the starting area at the fleet’s preparatory signal. In addition, RRS 90.3(a) will apply.
17.3 One race is required to be completed by a fleet in order to constitute a championship series for that fleet.
17.4 Race results will be posted on the official notice board and may appear on the DLYC website.
17.5 When fewer than six races have been completed by a fleet, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When six or more races have been completed, a boat’s worst score will be thrown out as follows: one throw out for every six races completed.
17.6 If a boat does not compete in a DLYC championship series race/races due to the helmsperson competing in a race
or regatta on another body of water (or has children competing in class X or IOD on another body of water) that boat may be awarded “average points” for the race/races missed. “Average points” means points equal to the average, to the nearest tenth of a point (0.05 to be rounded upward) of her points in all the races in the series except the race/races
in question. The helmsperson or a representative of the boat is responsible for notifying the official scorer that “average points” should be awarded for the race/races missed. The official scorer must be notified in writing or by email before 0800 on the day before the race/races that will be missed. The request must include the following: the class of boat, sail number and date of the race/races that will be missed. A boat may be awarded “average points” a maximum of three dates during the DLYC race season. Once a request has been made, it cannot be rescinded or reused.