Page 20 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
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make decisions based on which brand pattern denotes reliability, which means fun or value for money etc. When we’re able to augment our intelligence by extending our neocortex with the cloud, we’ll be able to identify more profound brand patters, as well as invent new forms of creativity, art and culture.
What does this mean for our health and the environment?
During the 2030s, bio-technology will grow
in maturity and increase exponentially as an information technology, according the law of accelerated returns so we’ll be able to overcome most diseases and the ageing process. What we don’t clean-up with bio-technology, we’ll get with nano-robots, inserted into our blood-streams.
As we develop the ability to extend life however, what impact will this have on our environment? Well, the same technologies that will extend life will also be used to extend resources. We’ll apply nano-technology to emerging energies. Solar power is on an exponential growth along with wind and geothermal. We’re awash with natural energy and the technology to turn it into electricity is expanding exponentially.
What does this mean for transportation?
Human drivers cost two million deaths worldwide each year so the question is, at what point will we ban humans from driving? Five years from now our opinions around autonomous cars will change and
the transition to self-driving vehicles will be quick.
As a result, they’ll be less cars and we’ll typically
use more self-driving services such as Uber or Lyft. This will free up all that space currently occupied by car-parks and it will save many lives. What will we do with all that spare time we used to spend driving? What humans have always done, evolve to doing something more interesting and creating new forms of music, art and creativity.
Footnote from PHD’s worldwide strategy and planning director Mark Holden
“For anyone who works in marketing and they hear Ray’s thoughts and predictions, it can sometimes feel either too far removed from the present or can create anxiety about the future. We know this future is coming so all we can do now to prepare for it is to be super curious and take every opportunity to find out more so that we’re able to future-proof our clients and be more future-minded in our every-day lives so that we’re better able to spot the opportunities that technology presents.”
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017