Page 37 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 37

Designer hybrids
2017 is set to be the year of the hybrid. Standard analogue watches to the naked eye, hybrids
hide features like activity tracking and vibration notifications inside an arguably fancier package. It is a strategy that fashion brands are finding easier to grapple with — and consumers are responding. There is already a wide range of great hybrids available, including the Withings Activité Steel, Misfit Phase and Skagen Hagen Connected, but watch this space as we are expecting many other fashion brands join the game...
Temporary tech tattoos
Withings Activité Steel
Skagen Hagen Connected
Mis t Phase
Whatever you like to call them, tech tattoos are
a wearable tech trend waiting for their moment. Imagine a stylish tattoo that also functioned as a touch-based interface for controlling your computer, TV or smart device. In 2016, Microsoft and MIT joined forces to develop a fabrication process that turned gold leaf temporary tattoos into just such a touch-sensitive interface.
With wireless communication capabilities, the DuoSkin design can function essentially as a skin- based remote control for whatever can be remotely controlled. The gold leaf technology can also be used to track body temperature or embed an NFC chip, so paying for a coffee or opening your car door could be achieved with the wave of a hand.
Have you spotted one already?
Have a look at the top 50 wearable tech gamechangers for 2017 here:
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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