Page 62 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 62

brands must constantly be recruiting new and light users to see any reasonable growth.
Even Samuel decides that brand owners should seek to define brand positioning to act as a foundation for distinctive and engaging advertising that builds salience. This shows that there’s a ceasefire. The combination of affinity and salience impacts growth positively — salience drives the curve up, but affinity drives the curve up faster.
Right now, we are at Stage III of the Merge. This means we’re on the brink of radical new paradigms that could break consensus and reframe how marketers think about this debate altogether — but how?
From Responsive to Anticipatory
In a merged world, consumers don’t need to go looking for information — information will come to them. Programmatic systems allow marketers to dynamically create big segments in real-time. The implication for marketers therefore is that marketing is no longer responsive, but anticipatory. In addition, advertising needs to be wholly utilitarian. Don’t tell me why you’re the best XYZ product — understand my needs and give me information or activities that enrich my life.
A great example of this is PHD’s own RTTP (Real- time Trend-based Programmatic) approach. Where previously search strategies were built on the premise that a consumer would need to seek out branded messaging via online search, we can now isolate when a specific topic or content area starts
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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