Page 2 - august newsletter
P. 2

       August 2020
`Triumphs Live On
Return to Start Page 1
    President’s Corner
I ordered a Seal Skin Car cover that is advertised as being made up of 5 layers, breathable, waterproof, and warranted for 10 years. I used the car that I received for 6 weeks through several days of showers and then several days of sun. I removed the cover to take the TR7 out and found the paint damaged.
Before Cover Use After Cover Use
I cut the stitching about an inch to see the number of layers. The cover they sent me is not breathable and does not have five layers. It turns out that the cover is only two layers with an elastic strip within the seam. A vinyl exterior and fleece under it. The fleece traps moisture and the skin does not allow it to evaporate, so it was still wet when I removed the cover three days after the rain. The exterior was completely dry.
The company so far has only responded with they can replace the cover or refund my money for the cover. The rough estimate to correct the paint is between $6,000 to $7,000 to dismantle, strip, prep, repaint and reassemble the TR7. Seal Skin Covers only communicates through e-mails from their customer service department, which can take up to a week to respond. I am looking to see if anyone else has dealt with this car cover company and how it worked out for them.
“Triumphs Live On”
Dennis McKinley President
       Inside This Issue
   TSWFL Event Calendar, Club Officers, Treasure’s Report
     Page 2
   Newsletter Director’s Corner
   Page 3
   Member’s Corner
    Page 4
  Tech Corner
   Pages 5- 11
  Parts for sale & Classifieds – Cars for Sale
    Page 12
   Vendor Services & Suppliers
     Pages 13- 18
  TSWFL Supporters
    Page 19

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