Page 4 - Hemingford & Alfriston 11th Annual Bull Sale
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                 Welcometoour11thannualbullsalecatalogue. Hopefullyyouaremanagingthrough thesewildlyunpredictableandunprecedentedtimes. Thevolatilityofmarketsand extremes of weather pose enough challenges before throwing a pandemic into the mix.
We are very grateful to be a farming business and really feel for those who have lost jobs andbusinessesduetoCovid-19. Wewouldliketoexpressourgratitudetoalltheessential workers and support industries that have kept agriculture functioning, from truck drivers to freezing workers and also a massive thanks to all the doctors, nurses and health workers risking their lives to care for us all!
Weareverypleasedtopresentourdraftofbullsfor2020. Thisdraftissolidfromstarttofinish with all the qualities needed to increase profit for our client’s beef businesses.
With all our animals being stud stock, all stock classes must continue to run as our commercial sheep and cattle once did, cleaning up the hill blocks, and running in big mobs.
For our cattle this means 240 in-calf stud females run under pressure on steep dry hill country, from here ruthless culling on temperament, structure & constitution is undertaken. This begins at weaning with all calves individually assessed and scored.
Repeat business is paramount for both us and our clients. Quiet, easy doing, market focused cattle ensure strong demand for your Charolais cattle right through the supply chain.
As always, all bulls and rams purchased from us are fully backed and guaranteed, so if for whatever reason they haven’t performed to your expectations please let us know so we canputthingsright. Wealwayswelcomeanyfeedbackyoumayhave,asthisassistsusin focussing on producing what our clients want.
With the evolving times we are currently facing, we are working through the best scenarios for our on farm auction. At the time of writing, we are hoping to be out of level 3 in the coming weeks and hopefully in well into level 2 which will mean we can go ahead with ourauction. Wealsoplantoincorporatebothanonlineandphonebiddingoptioninto this, and we are currently working through what platform this will be, ensuring it is simple and user friendly.
Once we have a clear picture of what this will be, we will post details on our Facebook page, ensure all stock companies are aware of our plans and do our best to contact those on email we have details for.
Should you have any queries regarding both the running of the sale and / or our stock, pleasedon’thesitatetocontactus. Wearehappytohelpanytime,andourstockalways available for viewing.
We look forward to catching up with you on sale day.
Kind regards
Sam and Viki Alistair and Lissa

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