Page 298 - Ptahhotep
P. 298

296 The Instructions of Ptahhotep
 ddi kaw pw hhne nchr
􏰀􏰁􏰇 􏰆􏰽 􏰃􏰅􏰆􏰽􏰕􏰁􏰽 􏰃 􏰽􏰾􏰺􏰇 􏰃􏰿􏱀􏰂􏰿􏱀􏰌 􏰂􏱀 􏰂􏰁 􏱀􏰂􏰆􏰃􏰌􏰁 􏰂􏱀 􏰂􏰅􏰆􏰽􏰂􏰑
  Wannan baiwa ce ta Allah, game da zuciya.
􏰀􏰁􏰂􏰃 􏰂􏰅􏰃􏰆􏰇􏰈􏰉 􏰊􏰃 􏰋􏰇􏰌􏰍􏰁􏰎􏰁􏰏 􏰆􏰁 􏰌􏰍􏰁 􏰊􏰃 􏰂􏰋􏰃􏰌􏰐􏰇􏰑
Hii ni zawadi toka kwa roho, pamoja na mungu.
Este é o presente dos espíritos, junto com deus.
􏰙􏰚􏰛 􏰜􏰝􏰝 􏰞􏰝 􏰟􏰝􏰞􏰞􏰠 􏰡􏰚􏰚􏰢􏰚􏰚􏰣􏰤􏰥 􏰚􏰛􏰛􏰤􏰤􏰜􏰠 􏰠 􏰦􏰠􏰧􏰝􏰨
􏰒􏰃􏰆 􏰈􏰃 􏰓􏰇 􏰔􏰁􏰂􏰂 􏰔􏰇􏰏 􏰕􏰇 􏰌􏰃􏰆􏰉 􏰖􏰗􏰈􏰈􏰃 􏰇􏰘􏰃􏰌􏰑
􏰢􏰆􏰰 􏰳􏰴􏰵 􏰴􏰶􏰐􏰭􏰂 􏰷􏰊􏰸􏰂 􏰴􏰶􏰌􏰰 􏰷􏰹􏰺􏰰 􏰍􏰴􏰶􏰈􏰻 􏰘􏰇 􏰼􏰈􏰸􏰵􏰺􏰉􏰂
􏰩􏰪 􏰩􏰫􏰬 􏰭􏰮􏰯􏰪􏰬 􏰮􏰰􏰱􏰲􏰩􏰪􏰬
 Suw ka nina don, Ala fana ta don.
This is a gift from the spirits, and from god.
􏱁􏱂􏰁􏱃􏰘 􏰉􏰂 􏰕􏱀􏰂 􏰕􏰁􏱃 􏰁􏱃􏰍􏰺􏰇􏰘􏱃􏰏 􏰁􏰘 􏰃􏰉􏱃􏱃􏰇 􏰕􏰁 􏰕􏰇􏰁􏰉􏰑
          Lesi yisipho semimoya, kanye nonkulunkulu.

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