Page 19 - Seaford College Sixth Form Options Booklet 2023
P. 19
Countryside Management BTEC (Pearson Edexcel)
Head of Department:
Mr P Bolton
Teaching Staff:
Mr P Bolton Mr J Hart
Practical Instructors:
Mr P Spiers Mrs R Bolton
Course Content
At Seaford, we make effective use of our surroundings, which enables us to cover the following units:
Unit 1: Professional Working Responsibilities (external assessment)
Unit 5: Countryside Estate Skills Activities
We will then use external locations and partners to support the completion of:
Unit 4: Work Experience in the Land-based Sectors
Unit 7: Woodland Management
Unit 11: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Management
This qualification is made up of 67% mandatory content and 33% external assessment.
Countryside Management is a vocational course designed to offer students a programme of study that is both practical and challenging. The course is composed of six modules. 40% of the course is delivered outside the classroom, where students are able to thrive through the completion of practical conservation tasks in a variety of settings to include local estates, local and national parks and nature reserves.
Students are expected to wear appropriate personal protective equipment for this course and will be asked to supply toughened work boots (steel toe-capped and reinforced soles), heavy duty
work trousers (Dickies or Site Wear etc.) and work gloves - riggers and builders’ gloves.
Students are also expected to partake in all practical activities as these activities will be mapped against their unit assessment.
Future Pathway
This qualification was designed in close collaboration with industry and it is fully supported by the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the sector, LANTRA. It is a highly respected route for those who wish to move into employment in the sector, either directly or following further study.
This programme of study provides our students with a platform to access higher
education where they can study for a career in the countryside sector to include Forestry, Land Management, Conservation Management and Recreation Management within country parks.
Key Skills
Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to develop land management and estate skills, in addition to becoming independent enquirers, creative thinkers and reflective practitioners.
During the practical activities, the students will be able to develop their team working, problem solving and self- management skills.
Recommended Entry Requirements
Grade 4 or above at GCSE English, GCSE Maths and GCSE Science
Students will also be expected to demonstrate that they are interested and wish to pursue a Higher Education pathway or career within the countryside sector.