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Sigma Chi Fraternity | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Spring 2014 Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | Special Report Alumni Spotlight: Shawn Durrani ’09 Editor’s Note: For this issue of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on brother Shawn Durrani ’09. Shawn is currently living in Washington, DC and is working Catching as an Attorney-Advisor at Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Back in school, Shawn was our chapter President and Recruitment Chairman. He was also selected up with to be on the Interfraternity Council and as Vice-President of Risk Management for the campus. After earning his BA in Economics at Illinois, he pursued his law degree at Millennial Notre Dame where he graduated cum laude in 2012. At Notre Dame, Shawn worked hard to be on the Dean’s list and was honored with the Dean’s Award (highest grade). Alumni From the hometown of Westmost, IL, Shawn has relocated to Chicago, New York, and DC in order to work in his chosen feld of fnancial services law. Today, he enjoys spending time with his pledge brothers, working with the local elementary school n this edition of the Illinois reading program Everybody Wins DC, playing club sports, and being outside for a ISig, we are highlighting some hike any chance he has. Read on to fnd out more about our hard-working brother. of our millennial alumni (those born post-1980). Graduating from school often feels like the end of After graduation, why did you choose Notre experience as possible. I participated in an externship an era for many brothers as they Dame? with a fnancial industry regulator during my fnal leave their college home at 410 I chose Notre Dame because I thought it would be a year of law school, which was my frst relevant, E. John St and scatter across the great place for graduate school – and it was. Notre practical experience. I also wrote an independent world in pursuit of their goals. Dame provided an excellent academic environment, research paper on high-frequency trading. As we attempt to maintain and I was able to continue being near my family and contact with our millennial alumni friends in Chicago. How did you get into Financial Services Law? as they build their lives away My decision to pursue Financial Services Law was a from the chapter house, they What changed your interest in pursuing product of several factors. The most important one are out making great strides and Criminal Law? of which was the guidance I received from alumni, achieving a high-level of success. including both Kappa Kappa and Notre Dame In this issue of the Illinois Sig, we I sincerely enjoyed the summer I spent clerking at alumni. These individuals helped me crystallize caught up with brothers Richard the courthouse and I have great respect for those my thoughts into actionable goals and navigate the Hackman ’08, Arthur Baker ’09, that practice Criminal Law. I don’t know that there different opportunities potentially available to a and Paul Biasco ’10. is any one reason why my interests changed, other young lawyer. With their help and some luck, I was Richard has been working for than I just wasn’t as drawn to it as I once was. I able to fnd a position in this area. the city of Palo Alto as a Project suppose that is part of the process, though. It can be Manager, putting his degree in just as valuable to learn what doesn’t interest you as Durrani (Continued on Page 6) Communication to work. learning what does. Arthur chose to pursue his law degree after graduation How did you build your and is currently working with experience to become more Baker & Hostetler LLP. Paul marketable? has successfully planted himself “Experience” is one thing for in the world of journalism and which there is often no substitute. photography with his degree As a frst step, I spent a lot of time in News-Editorial Journalism. trying to discover an area of the Rounding out the bunch is our law that I found most interesting. Alumni Spotlight member Shawn That process included seeking Durrani ’09. guidance from alumni as well Shawn’s story illustrates the as evaluating past experiences, dedication and fexibility that a coursework, and individual graduate today must be willing research. Once I chose a specifc area, the plan was to gain as much Alumni (Continued on Page 6) Shawn with his Pledge Brothers celebrating the wedding of Brother Adam Lawson ’09 in Alton, IL.
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