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Summer 2015 | Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 AlumniSpotlight: Kenneth A. Perkins ’58 A Word from the Fthe newsletter or this edition of Chairman we’re shining the Spotlight on Brother Ken Perkins ’58. Look How Far We Have Come… From the hometown of Miami, FL, Ken Dear Brothers, came to UF to earn his usually labor a bit whenever I degree in Mechanical Engineering. After I receive the call saying: “We need graduation, he spent your column for the Pi Kapp Gator.” many years in the air My immediate thoughts always turn to…what can I write that will make conditioning sales and distribution industry. a difference? How can we convince others to step up? But this time was Currently the owner of Johnstone Supply different. As I contemplated what to write, my thoughts kept coming back to Company, Ken is enjoying time with …look how far we have come! Over the last several years, I have had family thanks to his Ken and his wife, Lois, in Bancock, Thailand. the opportunity to reconnect and work new semi-retired closely with a number of guys I had schedule. and was working as a 3rd grade teacher in Orlando Ken recalls when lived with forty plus years ago. I also his older brother, Martin Perkins ’54, went off to and was home for summer vacation. As Ken and had the opportunity to meet and develop UF and became an Alpha Epsilon. During holiday Lois spent more time together, their romance was new found relationships with others I breaks, the Perkins’ home often hosted parties for rekindled. Ken and Lois dated for two years and had not known personally…but like the Pi Kapps. Ken would often wake in the night were then married and moved to Gainesville for myself, had agreed to step up and make Ken’s senior year in mechanical engineering. a difference. We all had a common due to the coats being piled on his bed. When it came time for Ken to venture off to UF, Since the Pi Kapps did not have a house mother for goal, to once again make Pi Kappa Phi he knew that he wanted to be in a fraternity even parties, Lois and Ken were approved by U of F as the most outstanding fraternity at the though the school work load for an engineer was chaperones University of Florida. That fraternity heavy. His brother, Martin, had already graduated After graduation, Ken was hired ΠΚΦ by the Trane which others would look to emulate. from college by this time and was serving overseas Company in Lacrosse, WI, as a Product Engineer. Now let me take a moment and tell in the Navy. After attending a few rush events, He and Lois relocated to Wisconsin just in time you just how far we have come in four Ken knew that his place was with the guys at the for the coldest winter in years. One winter in short years… Pi Kappa house. He recalls that he really enjoyed Lacrosse was all a southerner needed. Soon after, Active Chapter: being around the guys and noticing the differences Ken accepted a job back in Miami with Carrier, • Headcount: ended the Spring in people. Alpha Epsilon offered a lot social events the world’s largest air conditioner manufacturing Semester with 118 Brothers. on the weekend and sporting events. Ken took company, as a Territory Manager and later V.P of • Academics: fnished in the top ten part in fag football, handball, and water basketball. Sales Over the course of six years with Carrier, fraternities with a 3.325 GPA He also served the chapter as Social Chairman and Ken and Lois welcomed two children, their son • Sports: Basketball: Blue Division Sports Chairman. Cameron, and daughter Laura. Ken found that he and two associates could do Champions, Softball: Overall During one summer Ken was hanging out with his Champions, Pi Beta Phi: Down and best friend who had married a past girlfriend’s best a better job with the sales and distribution process Dirty Champs – Football. friend. Lois Blanchard had graduated from Florida Perkins (Continued on Page 4) • Student Government: four AE’s are currently Directors/Asst. Directors of the Inter Fraternity Council (IFC). • Florida Blue Key: o Ryan Montgomery (Fall) and Justin Kelsey (Spring), were tapped into Blue Key this past school year. The frst AE’s in many years…but not the last. o Grant Wishner and Joey Chairman (Continued on Page 4) Ken and Lois in front of the Brandenburg A catch from deep sea fshing. Ken’s father, Martin, and son, Cameron, in Gate in Berlin. Costa Rica.
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