Page 1 - Alpha Nus Fall 2006
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The Alpha Nus

Alpha Nu Building Association of Theta Chi, Inc. | Winter 2006-07 | Georgia Institute of Technology
Alumni Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |
From the President

by Ian Willoughby ‘93 Jonathon Paul Shirlock
rothers, I hope that 2007 is off Memorial Dedication
Bto a great start for you! It is
for the Alpha Nu chapter – they are At a ftting ceremony, the
building on a successful fall with chapter social room was
recruitment (15 pledges in the fall offcially dedicated as the
and 4 this spring), philanthropy Jonathon Paul Shirlock Social
events, multiple tailgates – Room during Homecoming.
attended by many of us, and more Brother Shirlock passed
next fall, I hope, and the election of a new executive away from Leukemia in
committee. The new executive committee is listed Spring of 2006. He was a
in this newsletter, and one offcer, Ben Smedsrud, is tremendous example to all
highlighted so you can learn more about one of our and will be sorely mised. Thanks to all who
Brothers who is a soon-to-be successful alumnus! came and showed their support.
We are making progress with the Annual
Fund and Capital Campaign. Thank you very much
to all of you who have contributed your time in campaign will allow us to retire the second mortgage
coordinating these efforts, and those of you who have on the house on time.
made donations. If you gave in 2006, thank you and Mark your calendars for upcoming alumni
please consider giving again this year. A list of 2006 events that are listed in this newsletter! The Tachi
Annual Fund donors (through December 31) is printed Classic golf tournament will again take place this
on the reverse of the enclosed letter. summer, and the Theta Chi Camping Trip will be held
Your Annual Fund donations help to in November and plan on special tailgating events at
cover communications and alumni events – we can the house for the Homecoming game on October 20th
accomplish even more with your participation! I know vs. Army.
that you paid chapter dues while you were in school, Finally, when you return your donation form,
but now that you have graduated and are better able please correct your contact information as necessary.
to give back to the chapter, we ask that you consider Also give us a brief update on your life – New job?
doing so. The Capital Campaign, The House that Moved? Recently married or had kids/grandchildren?
Brotherhood Built, is coming close to our goal of $1.2 Promoted? Retired? Other accomplishments? We
million – we can surely attain that goal this year if we will include your submissions in the next newsletter
have participation from all of our 900 alumni. This “Alumni Nus” column.

Tachi Raises over $4K for Alpha Nu Scholarship Fund

he 25 annual Tachi Classic was held July 22,
T2006. It was a triumphant return to the Metro
Atlanta course “The Trophy Club of Atlanta”. And
can you spell success? Yes! It is spelled “Tachi”.
With record donations raised of $4,163.81, record
attendance of 31 players, and record number of sign
sponsors, the return to Atlanta was outstanding.
Our new champion is Brett Hughes ‘87,
shooting a 79 from the Blues. Second place went to
Ken Trevor ‘91 with an 81 while third fell to Todd
Collins ‘82 with an 81 (resolved in a playoff). The Tee
division winners were Gold-Todd Collins ‘82, Blue -
Brett Hughes ‘87, White-Gary Johnson ‘76 Bringing
up the rear was…
The day was sunny and successful until the
Tachi champion Brett Hughes ‘87 (left) is presented his trophy by donning of the Red Jacket. Unfortunately it was not
tournament director Stan Thomas ‘81.
See Tachi continued on page 4
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