Page 1 - The Iotan - Summer 2014
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Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity | Georgia Tech | Summer 2014 Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 A Message From the Andrew Jones ’00 Alumni President Alumni Spotlight: Alumni, Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the fter wrapping Spotlight on Andrew Jones ’00. During his time as an undergrad, he Aup the last held numerous leadership positions and would often host many of the semester of this brothers at his family’s local lake house for brother and pledge retreats. school year, the From the hometown of Marietta, GA, Andrew is currently working as a Alumni of Pi Mechanical Engineer (Nuclear) with Enercon. As an alumnus, when he Kappa Phi have big plans before the moved to Florida, he still managed to stay well connected with the Iota next semester begins. chapter. After moving back to Atlanta, he now wants to hold a leadership Do you have big summer plans? If role on the Alumni Board and become actively engaged with house and so, make sure to make room and mark chapter improvements. Read on to fnd out more about Andrew! your calendars for Saturday, July 19th. We are going to be having an How do you stay in touch with your Iota waterslide and its features. I could see the wheels Alumni/Actives event at the Braves Brothers today? turning in his head and was almost sure he would game which will also be coinciding I try to make every football game I can and stop tell us to tear it down, but, after a long pause, he with the Journey of Hope! by the tailgates of various groups of brothers. The just started grinning and said “I wish I’d thought We would love to have you and 100 year anniversary event we had recently was to do that when I was here” and proceeded to use your family join us for this event as great because it gave all of us an opportunity to it as an example of Georgia Tech ingenuity to the we are expecting between 200-300 catch up with people we hadn’t seen recently. visiting group. people between Nationals and the Iota chapter. Communications will What is your favorite memory? After graduation, how did you start out be coming out over the next week on with ENERCON? how to sign up. My favorite memory from college was when we We held a meeting in the middle were building our waterslide for beach weekend. ENERCON recruits Georgia Tech heavily. I of May to discuss this summer’s We had decided to build a particularly large attended an information session on campus and house renovations. We have plans slide one year and a group of us were putting went through the interview process from there. to build a new deck as well as add the fnishing touches on it when I looked down some new features into the kitchen the alley and saw the president of the school, Dr. What do you enjoy most about working in to maintain our fne dining program. Clough, coming our way with a large group of the Nuclear Power industry? This fall, we are looking for 2-3 visitors from another university. He stopped me In the other industries, competitors often view Alumni to join us on the Board. to ask what we were building and I explained the solutions to problems as proprietary information Right now, we have representatives to gain a competitive advantage. Due to the nature from the 90s, early 2000s, and I of the nuclear safety culture, utilities across the myself graduated in 2011. We would nuclear feet share operating experience and love to have many members from often work together, through organizations like across different time periods of Iota the Nuclear Energy Institute and various owner’s to help us maintain what everyone groups, to share best practices for safe operations each year enjoys coming back to. of the reactors and ways to meet regulatory Please let me know if you have guidance. any questions or would like to reach out to me if you are interested in Have there been any new developments joining the board or about anything since the 2011 tsunami hit the Japan plant? I covered above. Yours in Brotherhood, The U.S. nuclear energy industry responded promptly to ensure they could withstand similar extreme natural events. In addition, the entire Matthew W. Cannon ’11 The Beach weekend 2009 waterslide. Jones, Continued on Page 4
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