Page 120 - Language is an Intangible Bridge
P. 120
When I think about “language is an intangible bridge”, I think
of how language links in a way such that “crossing over” is more like staying open to waves that clear the words themselves
and make us play the game. Only because it is so irresistible to enter, to be welcomed into relation with each other. Maybe this incompleteness of language and its impossibility to seal the deal between you and I, is our potential.
I always think of how my kid taught me to come back to language as he was learning to speak. Coming into language. It’s all
body, desire, pleasure and fury. I look to that moment when
the separation between meaning, sound and word was made apparent. It reminded me that there are so many openings and really simply, of the embodiedness of the so called immaterial, which is really not simple at all. A good reality check, humbling and glorious, an escape of sorts. And it makes things a lot funnier.
Translation and mistranslation, translation as interdisciplinary practice:
I think of translation and mistranslation as both indicative of
space in that both are space making. I mean space in the sense of difference as such, a split and riff, an opening of difference. I think of mistranslation as error and I love error. In a class on Heidegger it seemed clear all of a sudden that being (dasein) is found in error (or is error?). Ouf wouldn’t be able to explain that now, but it had to do with language, difference and openings. Mispronouncing and misunderstanding, can make you laugh at yourself. There seems to be something key in there.
Hanako Hoshimi-Caines short talks