Page 102 - the foreign language of motion
P. 102

journals as cases of process art par excellence, a mode of art practice registering temporal, material processes of art making. Choreographers’ working journals could also be seen as tools of translation, as paper bodies that support the gestures and marks of concepts on their way to formal articulation. New discusses journals as,
intimate, unpolished works for which an outside audience is either unanticipated or an afterthought. The journal’s primary purpose is to serve as a place for its author to sort ideas and observations...In the end, journals may show more fully than any finished piece what it has meant to be us. (New, 2005, p.18)
This list of notes from a site specific dance project, presented in the two ripped fragments of something half there, something made present by another present’s absence, directly refers, in its blunt language, to a specificity of time and place. These lists could also be recycled choreographically to generate structure.

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