Page 89 - DI Team Member Handbook
P. 89

In an Emergency
Your direct supervisor should be notified immediately when an emergency occurs. Emergencies include all accidents, medical situations, bomb threats, other threats of violence, and the smell of smoke. In the absence of your direct supervisor, contact the nearest organization official.
Should an emergency result in the need to communicate information to Team Members outside of business hours, your direct supervisor will contact you. Therefore, it is important that Team Members keep their personal emergency contact information up to date. Notify your direct supervisor when this information changes.
When events warrant an evacuation of the building, you should follow the instructions of a supervisor or any other member of management. You should leave the building in a quick and orderly manner. You should assemble at the pre-determined location as communicated to you by a supervisor to await further instructions or information.
Please direct any questions you may have about the organization's emergency procedures to your direct supervisor.
Substance Abuse
The organization has vital interests in ensuring a safe, healthy and efficient working environment for our Team Members, their co-workers and the Service Partners we serve. The unlawful or improper presence or use of controlled substances or alcohol in the workplace presents a danger to everyone. For these reasons, we have established as a condition of employment and

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