Page 47 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 47
Joy vs. Happiness
Joy and happiness have similar definitions and are often used interchangeably. They are both defined with statements like: emotions of delight caused by something good or satisfying, or feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Yet, they can be viewed as entirely different emotions. We feel happiness when things are going our way...the weather is good, our family and friends are well, we go on a great vacation, or get a new puppy! They are all good things happening in life that make us smile, make us happy. Yet, these are things happening on the outside that cause this temporary happiness. And just as easily, external things can go bad in life and take that temporary feeling of happiness away. Happiness is fleeting; it’s not a permanent condition because it varies so much based on outward circumstances and happenings. A friend calls that you haven’t heard from in a long time. You’re smiling, your heart is full, you feel happy...until they tell you the reason they’re calling is because they’re not well. You’ve gone from elation to sadness in 30 seconds. External happiness is transient.
Joy, on the other hand resides permanently in one’s soul. It is fused to our being. It doesn’t fluctuate with what’s happening on the outside because it is firmly and securely affixed to the inside. The joy found in faith is always there to fall back upon when external happiness disappears. It’s a constant