Page 79 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 79

Many people have heard the term: “Godwink.” It’s defined as a coincidence, maybe a prayer that was answered. I like to think of Godwinks as happenings that are sent to an individual, specifically...for a reason. It’s up to them to recognize the “wink” for what it is and understand why it was sent at that specific date and time.
I’d like to share two of my favorite “Godwinks.”
Smiley Faces:
When my daughter was a senior in high school, one of her friends was tragically killed in an auto accident. Our community was stunned and saddened. Hundreds of well-wishers and mourners poured in and out of his parents’ home. I brought a book I’d written about The Dash and shared it with his mother. She placed it in the foyer and visitors began to write a favorite memory from her son’s “dash” in the book as they entered. Thus, The Dash, as she told me later, became an integral part of the grieving process for her and her family, entering their hearts and minds to help heal the tremendous hole left by her son’s sudden and tragic absence.
Growing up, many children have a “thing” as they say...a symbol... something they are known for among friends and family. My “thing” was

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