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I began to feel an intense and unmistakable obligation to use my ability to find and fit together combinations of words to help those who were experiencing that precise emptiness, that ambiguous sense of functioning “normally” with a now incomplete soul, the feeling of a jigsaw puzzle missing a corner. Time is the only proven healer, but I’ve learned that the right words at the right time can alleviate, or at least make some remote sense of, this unique pain we are forced to endure through no fault of our own. To know others have suffered and survived grief offers an invisible salve that can soothe our sorrow.
It is truly remarkable how much death clarifies the preciousness of this gift of life. I’ve often said that without tears, why would we enjoy
laughter? Without rain, the sunshine would become monotonous. Without sickness, it would mean naught to feel healthy. And...without death, infinite life would be unworthy of the reverence this temporary life deserves.
Death: To some it is feared; to some it is despised; to some it is disregarded; to others it even offers a livelihood. But for all, it is an inevitable conclusion to our dash to be respected and expected. Whatever you believe -- whether you feel a soul ascends when a heart ceases to beat, is re-embodied into something or someone, or eventually returns to being a part of everything having completed its contribution to the cycle, I hope you will find hope and healing in the words I’ve shared within the final section of this book...
Dash Inspirations by Linda Ellis

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