Page 12 - New project 1590247496
P. 12
The Assumption of our Mother Mary: We o er this decade for the conversion of those who insult our Mother Mary and those who have refused to believe in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
We also pray that our Mother Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ will remain with us in Pro Labore Dei and never leave us. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven: We o er this decade for the growth of Pro Labore Dei, Perfecta Caritas Sisters, Missionaries of Love and Mercy, for the Chief Coordinator, the Sisters, the missionaries, the Coordinators, all members, the Benefactors, our friends and all who have asked for our prayer. We ask that God will grant us our heart’s desires and provide us all with the peace of mind and all the resources we need – human and material - to do His work without worry or anxiety through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Following Prayers are said after each decade
O Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save of us from the re of hell and lead all souls to Heaven especially those who are most in need of your mercy
Have mercy on us O Lord: Have mercy on us. Jesus meek and humble of heart; Make our hearts like unto yours.
Mary our mother protect us: Jesus Mary we love you save the world
Jesus mercy: Mother Mary help us