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P. 16

    3.00 P.M. ADORATION
At 3.00 p.m., at the hour when Jesus expired on the Cross-, stop, cast your mind to Calvary where it all happened. Kneeling before the crucied Messiah and bowing down to the ground – say:
1.I adore you O Christ and I praise you – Because by your holy Cross-you have redeemed the world (7 times).
2. Jesus is Lord and I will serve Him (7 times) Kneeling).
3. Glory be to the Father...........etc. (3 times). (Again bowing to the ground).
As often as this prayer is said, the enemy is utterly shamed and defeated. They cannot bear the sight of seeing the Crucied Lord being adored. Satanic bonds are broken; God’s children are set free.
Then in utter deance of that enemy, that coward, who refused to bow before Christ we proclaim in clear heartfelt armation that Jesus is Lord and Him alone shall we serve. At these words the enemy runs away. Now earth unites with heaven as we oer our heartfelt doxology –
“Glory Be ...............................”. It is a moment of bliss, for the one saying the prayer and for the whole world.
You continue with these Divine Mercy prayers –
“Eternal Father, I oer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the world.

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