Page 167 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 167

 Notes forming part of the standalone financial statements
B. Related Party Transactions and Balance Outstanding I. Transactions during the year:
      Type of transactions
Redemption of Investment in debentures
Loss on modification of Investment in optionally convertible debentures
Investments made in equity shares
Loans given
Loans Repaid
Inter Corporate Deposit Taken
Inter Corporate Deposit Repaid
Advances returned back
Investment through current balance in partnership firms/LLP’s
Withdrawal through current balance in partnership firms/LLP’s
Income from project management fees
Interest income on debentures
Dividend paid on equity shares
Guarantee premium income
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited Snowflower properties Private Limited
Snowflower properties Private Limited
Kolte-Patil Global Private Limited Anisha Lifespaces Private Limited
PNP Agrotech Private Limited
Kolte-Patil Redevelopment Private Limited Kolte-Patil Real Estate Private Limited Anisha Lifespaces Private Limited
Kolte-Patil Real Estate Private Limited
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited
Ankit Enterprises
Kolte-Patil Homes
Regenesis Project Management LLP KP-Rachana Real Estate LLP Bouvardia Developers LLP Carnation Landmarks LLP
KP-SK Project Management LLP
Ankit Enterprises
Kolte-Patil Homes
Regenesis Project Management LLP KP-Rachana Real Estate LLP Bouvardia Developers LLP Carnation Landmarks LLP
KP-SK Project Management LLP
Kolte-Patil Real Estate Private Limited Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited Tuscan Real Estate Private Limited
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited Snowflower Properties Private Limited
Rajesh Patil
Naresh Patil
Milind Kolte
Sunita Kolte
Sunita Patil
Vandana Patil
Ankita Patil
Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited Kolte-Patil Real Estate Private Limited
(H in Lakhs) Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 4,364 -
296 420
144 -
- 202
- 1
73 142
107 89 - 4,870
60 5
3,791 - 3,135 -
1,585 -
- 100 8,876 6,135
95 100
30 1
2,008 2,101 - -
9,989 2,679 - 17 6,367 1,341 53 4 5 4 2,074 2,385 0 1 8,649 1,401 0 251
21 68
404 304 66 - 1,089 - 87 361
155 527 149 508
64 219 55 188
71 239
70 240
0 0 33 33 - 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2019-20 | 165

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