Page 214 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 214
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements
(a) Interest on
- Debentures*
- Term loans
For the year ended March 31, 2020
1,087 3,588 2,668
623 -
(H in Lakhs) For the year ended
March 31, 2019
1,568 3,492 1,113
510 2,516 9,199
- Working capital loans
(b) Other borrowing costs
(c) Net loss arising on financial assets and liabilities designated at FVTPL**
Total 7,966
* The Company, vide letters dated February 4, 2019 has waived the right to receive interest of ` 1,025 Lakhs for the financial year 2018-19 on investment in optionally convertible debentures and compulsory convertible debenutures of Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company.
** The Company, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable accounting standards, has carried out a fair valuation of optionally convertible redeemable preference shares and optionally convertible debentures issued by Kolte-Patil I-Ven Townships (Pune) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company and the resultant loss of ` 2,731 Lakhs has been debited to the Statement of Profit and Loss.
(a) Advertisement, promotion & selling expenses
(b) Power and fuel consumed
(c) Rent including lease rentals (Refer note 40)
(d) Repairs and maintenance
- Buildings - Machinery - Others
(e) Insurance
(f) Rates and Taxes
(g) Communication
(h) Travelling and conveyance
(i) Printing & stationery
(j) Legal and professional fees
(k) Payment to auditors (Refer note 37)
(l) Expenditure on corporate social responsibility (Refer note 45)
(m) Loss on disposal/written off of property, plant and equipment
(n) Bad debt written off
(o) Miscellaneous expenses
For the year ended March 31, 2020
4,985 143 167
19 7 994 178 563 62 636 85 1,165 127 404 - - 914
(H in Lakhs) For the year ended
March 31, 2019
4,939 157 552
11 882 126 529 68 476 70 1,210 152 218 11 357 1,281
Total 10,449
212 | Kolte-Patil Developers Limited