Page 230 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 230

 Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements
II. Balances at year end:
Accounts Balances
Advances given for land purchase
Advances received for land purchase Payable for Land Purchase Unsecured Loan
Rent Receivable
Advance received from customer
Trade payable Trade payable
Advance Paid for Construction related services
Advance given for rent paid on properties Advance Paid for Purchase of Gift Material Advance Paid for Purchase of Raw material
Rajesh Patil
Naresh Patil
Milind Kolte
Nirmal Kolte
Naresh Patil
Rajesh Patil
Sudhir Kolte
Anisha Education Society Gopal Sarda
Milind Kolte
Kolte-Patil Family Ventures LLP Imagination Interior decorators LLP Kori Design House LLP
Kolte-Patil Infratech Private Limited
Kolte-Patil Family Ventures LLP
NYP Healthcare Ventures LLP Skroman Technologies Private Limited
As at March 31, 2020
- 150 278 105 28 61 224 215 155 55 645 16 1 508
132 1 149
(H in Lakhs) As at
March 31, 2019
- 150 278 105 28 111 224 133 155 55 - - - -
43 - -
a) Gross amount required to be spent by the Group during the year is ` 352 Lakhs (Previous Year:-` 322 Lakhs). b) Amount spend during the year ` 404 Lakhs (Previous Year:- ` 218 Lakhs)
Employee stock option scheme (ESOS 2014)
The Company has instituted ‘Employee Stock Option Scheme 2014’ (ESOS 2014) for eligible employees of the Company. The vesting pattern of the schemes has been provided below. The options can be exercised over a period of 1 to 4 years from the date of grant. Each option carries with it the right to purchase one equity share of the Company at the exercise price determined by the nomination and remuneration Committee at the time of grant.
The vesting period of the above mentioned ESOS scheme is as follows:
Service period from date of grant
12 months 24 months 36 months 48 months
Vesting percentage of options
25% 25% 25% 25%
The options under this Scheme vest over a period of 1 to 4 years from the date of the grant. Upon vesting, employees have 4 to 6 years (as per plan) to exercise the options.
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