Page 240 - Kolte Patil AR 2019-20
P. 240

 For making any further issue of shares to any person(s) other than existing equity shareholders of the Company approval of members is required to be obtained by way of passing a special resolution, in pursuance to section 62 (1) (c) of the Companies Act.
The said approval for issuance of securities shall be the basis for the Board of Directors to determine the terms and conditions of any issuance of debt instruments by the Company for a period of 1 (one) year from the date on which the shareholders have provided the approval by way of special resolution. All debt instruments issued by the Company pursuant to such authority granted by the shareholders shall be priced on the basis of the prevailing market conditions and as specifically approved by the Board at such time.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives are concerned or interested in the resolution at Item No. 3.
The Board recommends the resolution set forth at Item No. 3 for the approval of the members.
Item No. 4
The Board of Directors of the Company on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, approved the appointment and remuneration of M/s Harshad S. Deshpande, Cost Accountants, to conduct the audit of the cost records of the Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2020. In terms of the provisions of Section 148(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 14(a)(ii) of The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditor is to be ratified by the Members of the Company. Accordingly, the Members are requested to ratify the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors for the year ended 31 March 2020 as set out in the Resolution for the aforesaid services to be rendered by them.
None of the Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the proposed resolution, set out at Item No. 4 of the Notice.
The Board of Directors recommend the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 4 of the Notice for approval by the Members.
The instructions for shareholdres for remote e-voting are as under:
(i) The voting period begins on 25 September 2020 at 09.00 AM and ends on 27 September 2020 at 05.00 PM. During this period shareholders’ of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date (record date) of 21 September 2020 may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting thereafter.
(ii) Shareholders who have already voted prior to the meeting date would not be entitled to vote at the meeting venue - for E-voting to be held during the meeting.
(iii) The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www.
Dividend Bank Details OR Date of Birth (DOB)
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(iv) Click on “Shareholders” module. (v) Now enter your User ID
a. For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID,
b. For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digits Client ID,
c. Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio Number registered with the Company.
(vi) Next enter the Image Verification as displayed and Click on Login.
(vii) If you are holding shares in demat form and had logged on to and voted on an earlier e-voting of any company, then your existing password is to be used.
(viii) If you are a first time user follow the steps given below:
For Shareholders holding shares in Demat Form and Physical Form
Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric *PAN issued by Income Tax Department (Applicable for both demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders)
yy Shareholders who have not updated their PAN with the Company/Depository Participant
are requested to use the sequence number which is printed on Postal Ballot / Attendance
Slip indicated in the PAN field.
Enter the Dividend Bank Details or Date of Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) as recorded in your demat account or in the company records in order to login.
yy If both the details are not recorded with the depository or company please enter the
member id / folio number in the Dividend Bank details field as mentioned in instruction (v).

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